- We Provide a 100% Hands On Service, Meaning We Literally Do Everything For Our Clients.
- We Provide (30) Paying Students at An Average of $3,000 Per Student (so that is $90k of Tuition Revenue That You Collect).
- We Provide Comprehensive Medical & Surgical Assistant Training Programs.
- We Provide State Licensing & Credentialing.
- We Provide Names & Phone Numbers of Other Doctors/Clients That Have Used Our Services.
- We Provide The Curriculum & School Catalog.
- We Provide Ownership Training.
- We Provide Online Learning Portal for Students.
- We Provide Staff/Instructor/Admissions Training.
- We DO NOT Charge Royalties or Per Student Fees.
- We Do Not Have Hidden Student Subscription Fees. Plus We Provide a Written Buy Back Guarantee
About Us
How To Start Medical Assistant Academy Inside Your Practice
You can put our proprietary school inside your practice. We have already done all the work, Including: Lesson plans, curriculum, state licensing for school, enrollment, school administration, staffing, marketing and management.
Learn how to start a medical assistant school in your practice. You can run the business after hours when the practice is normally closed. Then you allow your staff to teach the class or you can use one of our instructors.
Own a Dental assisting school in your city just call us and find out if your area is available because we only allow one school per every 30 mile radius. If your area is available then you can buy a medical assistant school from GMAX Hands-On University and start your school today.

You can own a medical assistant school
Sound too good to be true? We know you might doubt whether it is too good to be true. We honestly get it. However, it can be relatively simple if you follow our map, organize and execute. We do the heavy lifting. We provide the curriculum, state licensing, syllabus, school catalog, tests, exams, quizzes, answer keys and an online portal. We provide a turn-key solution so you can own a medical assistant school.
We have spoken with literally hundreds of doctors from all across the USA since we started selling our patented program for Medical assisting schools in 2009. Some of these doctors that we spoke with told us “point blank” that, “This just sounds too good to be true!”. In fact most doctors were a bit skeptical at first.
- The country’s current economic condition has required more families to seek for secondary sources of income; thus, many people now are seeking training in Medical industries including Medical assisting. The Medical assistant salary is great and the career further offers favorable hours and a myriad of benefits.
- Over the past 3 years, enrollment in technical/ trade schools (non-traditional education programs such as Medical Assisting) has risen quite progressively. The Medical Assistant Salary is one of the best opportunities for those without college degrees.
- According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the employment trend for Medical Assisting is predicted to grow on average more than all other occupations. All through the year 2020 and beyond. Medical Assisting is also currently the 3rd fastest growing occupation in the United States that doesn’t require a college degree.
- doctors (you) and the entire Medical staff (your Medical hygienists as well as Medical assistants) are qualified and allowed to teach people to become Medical assistants.
- Most other kinds of “sideline businesses” for doctors require huge cash and time investments which most people do not have.
- It only takes 11 students to recruit as Medical assistants to get a 100 percent recovery of your entire investment in this Medical assisting academy business.
So there you go: The facts. No need for sales pitch nor any emotional anecdotes to convince you that this business is good and not too good to be true. Medical Assistant School profits are a great opportunity for your Medical practice.
How Much Will This School Cost To Start-Up?
You can put our proprietary school inside your practice. We have already done all the work, Including: Lesson plans, curriculum, state licensing for school, enrollment, school administration, staffing, marketing and management.
Moreover, you can be open and accepting students in less than 6 months with our team of experts. We have over 75 years of combined experience in education and the Hands-On M.A. academy business.

Proven, Time-Tested, Easy
Our turn-key program is proven, time tested, and above all else, successful at making significant money.
Our Medical Assistant Curriculum lasts 12 to 24 weeks (any day or multiple days), as opposed to 9 to 11 months for equivalent college courses, making doctor owned Hands-On M.A.S. a far more attractive choice for students.
With our doctor owned Hands-On M.A.S. each academy receives a protected territory. Then we go to work and fill up your enrollment with paying students.
The all-inclusive curriculum includes very easy-to-follow hyperlinked classroom instructor materials, PowerPoint presentations, tests, lab assignments, and a comprehensive grading system that tracks your students’ progress.
Become a School Owner
Start Here
Let us remove all the emotion from the equation and focus only on the facts
Doctors do earn more income on average compared to many other professions; however, a doctors' income instantly stops the moment they step away from the patient.
When a doctor’s office is closed, his/her facility sits there empty generating zero amount of excess income. You will not earn additional income each time your office is closed.
The dropping values of people’s home values and retirement accounts gives most doctors no other choice but to practice longer than they originally intended for more funds.